By: Allison Schorr
2017 YP Summit Chair

It’s almost 2017 and we hope the Greater Omaha Chamber Young Professionals Summit  – March 9 –  will make it on your list of experiences you’re excited about in the New Year. As Chair of the 2017 Summit, I have had the honor and pleasure to work with an engaged and committed team of Committee Chairs, Committee Members and Greater Omaha Chamber staff since the Summer (with more work to do together in the coming months!) to plan the 12th annual Summit, one of the top young professionals events in the region. On behalf of the team, we are excited to present the 2017 Summit to you. 

Tickets are now on sale – with a special price for the first 200 sold. Check out the website for more details on the day we have in the works for you – and stay tuned as more details are announced in the coming months! We’re working hard to make it a day and experience you can’t miss. Here’s a preview for now: 

A day which unites, informs and empowers our young professionals to be engaged, feel inspired and develop skills that will elevate our community and lead to new opportunities and prosperity for all.

This day is meant for you. An engaged, well-informed, connected you makes for a stronger young professional network in our community. Plus, it means something when 1,500+ of Greater Omaha’s YP’s are together. In one room. To make things happen. And just be better, together.

The Summit is nationally unique. Other cities have looked to Omaha to create a day like ours. It’s the pinnacle event in the region for young professionals – and you don’t want to miss it.

Understand, this is not a day off work. This is a day on. Really on. Come with intention to get connected, learn something and become an ambassador for our community of action oriented, unified, inspired and fun young professionals who care about making things happen. And, supporting each other to get there.

We promise a balance of personal development, professional development and community development for you to leave with a renewed sense of self-awareness, skills to make a greater impact in your day job, stronger ties to our community, a greater sense of civic engagement, and inspired to take action on all fronts. 

We promise you will leave with at least one (likely all) of the following – a new practice to apply in your workplace to maximize your potential, a new initiative in town you could join forces to support, a new friend or business connection to get coffee or drinks with the next week, registered to vote (or updating your voter registration), an action plan to elevate your career, opportunities to engage in the Greater Omaha community year round, and a charge to ‘summit’ in all aspects of your life. 

As our Summit Promise states, you will be inspired by personal stories, expert speakers and successful ventures; engaged through advocacy, community engagement and important initiatives going on in our city; and developed with tangible skills, take-and-use guidance, life and work hacks, and more.

Our goal is to connect you to business leaders, community initiatives, passion projects, new ideas and resources. And, make you an ambassador for our city and why it truly is an ideal place to live, work and play as a YP.

If you’re not there, you are missing out. It’s a day of learning, connection, access, information, and networking with a broad base of YPs across our community. Our line-up of keynotes, breakout sessions and main stage moments contain stories and perspectives meant for you. We need you – all of you, from all neighborhoods, backgrounds, interests, industries, passions, organizations, etc. – to make it happen, make it purposeful and make it real. 

When 1,500+ young professionals gather in one place for one day — it’s gonna get real. Real interesting. Real inspiring. And real exciting. 

Happy Holidays from the YP Summit team to you! We can’t wait to see you March 9. 


Allison Schorr
GOYP Council Member
YP Summit 2017 Chair