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June Economic Indicators: Single Family Construction Permits up 6 Percent
Omaha, Neb., August 20, 2020 – The Greater Omaha Chamber today announced Monthly Economic Indicators (MEI) for June 2020, with single-family construction permits, valued at $48.1 million, up 6 percent over June 2019. Private hourly wages were also up over this time last year. In June 2019, average private hourly wages in...
Inclusive Communities Hosts Virtual Graduation for Inaugural LeadDIVERSITY Cohort
August 21, 2020 (Omaha, Neb.) – Inclusive Communities today announced the graduation of the inaugural cohort of LeadDIVERSITY Advocates. The 25 graduating Advocates represent a cross-section of Omaha's corporate, non-profit and public sectors . A year-long leadership development program created in partnership with Omaha Public...
Vireo Systems to Expand Facilities in Cass County
Plattsmouth, Neb., Aug. 18, 2020 – Less than a week after the Nebraska Legislature announced LB 1107 (a multidimensional bill that includes a new business incentives program) had passed, Vireo Systems, Inc. unveiled plans to expand operations in Plattsmouth. Vireo, headquartered near Nashville, Tenn., has had a Nebraska...
Legislative Bill 1107 Passes: Greater Omaha Chamber, CEOs, Business Owners Applaud Nebraska Legislature
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 13, 2020 –Nebraska’s senators today approved Legislative Bill 1107, drawing praise from the Greater Omaha Chamber, regional CEOs and area business owners. “Passing LB 1107 represents a huge win for our state. It keeps Nebraska competitive with other states, and continues to position us well for growth and...