They came up with an idea.
They devised a plan.
At the end of the day, they split $36 cash.

They didn’t over-think it.
They didn’t under-think it.

So, what’s your lemonade stand? 

What’s that idea that’s been refusing to release its grip? What’s your “I really want to…,” your “what if we…,” your “I think I could…”

Take that all-important first step toward making it happen.

Tuesday, Oct. 11 – bring your big idea to the Holland Performing Arts Center. Surround yourself with inspirational speakers and motivated peers. Move beyond “talking” about stirring things up. Create a real plan of action to bring your “I really want to…” to life.

That’s what Make / Happen is all about – putting your brilliance out there so the world can drink it up. What you chose to “make happen” – Innovation? Creativity? Change? – and for whom is entirely up to you.

The reward may be intense, personal satisfaction; an elevated community, a global impact – maybe even $36 cash divided three ways.


Make / Happen
A conference for doers.

Tuesday, Oct. 11
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Holland Performing Arts Center


  • Tiffany Shlain, Emmy-nominated filmmaker,speaker and Webby Awards founder
  • Nick Tasler, internationally-acclaimed author of three books, includingDomino: The Simplest Way to Inspire Change
  • Erik Wahl, internationally-renowned artist, business strategist, entrepreneur and philanthropist


Early Bird Pricing for first 100 to register: $299.99

Regular pricing: $325
