By: David G. Brown
President & CEO, Greater Omaha Chamber

We have a deep bench in Greater Omaha, a region elevated by a full roster of men and women who’ve spent their lives leading and leaving powerful legacies. Each has excelled in his or her own relentless way, but the common threads are undeniable: extraordinary acumen, dedicated community involvement, incredible humility…

The Omaha Business Hall of Fame celebrates the accomplishments of these civic and business leaders, almost 150 so far. You know the names – from our first class that included Warren Buffett, Rose Blumkin and Peter Kiewit to our latest that honored the late Irving R. Dana Jr., Gary Gates; Fred Jr. and Kim Hawkins; John J. “Jack” Koraleski and Steven Martin.

Not only are our Business Hall of Fame inductees role models in their respective industries, they are role models in our community, achieving levels of success that we can aspire to and setting examples of ‘service to others’ that we can follow. In doing so, they’ve contributed to the vitality and economic growth of our community in a lasting and meaningful way.

When you think of the titans who put the ‘greater’ in Greater Omaha,
who comes to mind?

We’re accepting nominations, right now, for our 2017 class of inductees. Nomination forms are available online – – and will be accepted until Wednesday, Oct. 12. We’ll celebrate the inductees at the Omaha Business Hall of Fame Gala on Wednesday, April 19, at the Holland Performing Arts Center.

We’ve honored many over the last 23 years (click here to see the complete list) – and our region’s deep bench means there are many more to choose from. Thank you for taking a minute to submit your nominations and help us survey the entire field.


The Omaha Business Hall of Fame was initiated in 1993 in celebration of the Chamber’s centennial anniversary. Individual inductee achievements are showcased in the permanent Omaha Business Hall of Fame display at The Durham Museum. The inductees bring acclaim for Omaha, increased opportunity for its people and greater success to the organizations they serve.