The Greater Omaha Chamber’s Young Professionals, the Urban League of Nebraska and the Urban League of Nebraska Young Professionals, are launching a new survey aimed at capturing the voice of young professionals in Greater Omaha.

The survey follows a 2015 YP survey – part of the Campaign for a Greater Omaha – that found Black young professionals were 5-6 times less likely than their peers to recommend Greater Omaha as a place to live, work and play.

“We want everyone’s voice to be heard. This survey is a starting place,” said Thomas Warren, Urban League of Nebraska’s president and CEO.

“Delving deeper into the reasons young and diverse Omahans leave our talent pipeline to live and work will provide valuable insight into how to improve our current corporate spaces to combat brain drain,” Ashley Turner, Urban League of Nebraska YP Board member and Chamber YP Council member contributed.

Intended to inspire a new, collaborative YP inclusivity initiative, the online survey will launch on Jan. 23. Project partners will use the results to develop an action plan to help improve satisfaction and perceptions of the Omaha community. They have contracted with the University of Nebraska-Omaha’s STEPS program to conduct the survey.

“We want all young professionals to feel like Omaha is the best place for them – to the point they’re recommending our region as ‘the place’ for their peers to live and grow their careers,” said Luke Hoffman, talent manager, Greater Omaha Chamber. “We look forward to working with our partners to make that a reality.”

The Chamber’s YP Council Member Angel Starks added, “Ultimately, this experience will help us gain insights on how to attract and retain diverse young professionals in Omaha.”

To participate in the Diversity and Inclusion Talent Survey, visit:


About the Greater Omaha Chamber Young Professionals: The Greater Omaha Chamber Young Professionals serve as a catalyst organization to retain and attract young professionals to Greater Omaha through engagement, opportunity and advocacy.

About the Urban League of Nebraska: We are an empowering voice in the community advocating for economic self-reliance, parity, power, civil rights and equal opportunity for all.

About the Urban League of Nebraska Young Professionals: The ULN YP Chapter is a volunteer auxiliary of the Urban League of Nebraska. Our mission is to engage young professionals in the National Urban League’s movement toward the achievement of social and economic equality.