By: Denise Allacher
Leadership Omaha Class 38

I met Rita last Thursday morning. I was riding the bus as part of my Leadership Omaha seminar. She was at the bus stop. Something told me I needed to hear her story. Rita is homeless. She lives with dissociative identity disorder. There are five of them. She’s taking classes on how to manage her illness. She’s working on more permanent housing. I asked if I could introduce her to my group. She said no, because it’s always the violent one that talks to strange men. We continued chatting about life. We prayed for each other. As we got off the bus at the same stop I thanked her for sharing her story. She said something I will never forget. She said, “Thank you for caring enough to ask. No one else ever has unless it was their job.”

Friends, isn’t that what all of us want? Someone who cares about our story.

My challenge to you….care enough to find out someone’s story. It might just change your life.

Leadership Omaha Class 39 applications are open until Monday, May 2. Apply now.