Business Ethics Alliance presents:

Mind Candy Dialogue – Business Ethics in Sports

Is there a separate set of business ethics for sports?

Are we more lenient for entertainment value, for fame, or money?

Elevate your career, your organization, and your community.  Attend the Business Ethics Mind Candy Dialogue where you, your colleagues, and our panelists engage in ethics education through thought-provoking stories and discussion about business issues straight from the sports page.

WEDNESDAY, January 29th

7:15 am – 8:45 am

1001 Gallup Drive 


  • Othello Meadows, Executive Director, Seventy Five North Revitalization Corp. and former college basketball player
  • Kyle Peterson, President and CEO, (Nebraska) Colliers International, former college baseball and MLB player, and current ESPN analyst
  • Lisa Roskens, Chair and CEO, Burlington Capital Group and Chair of the Omaha Sports Commission
  • Janyne Peek Emsick, CEO, integrow, inc., moderator

This event is hosted by Gallup and sponsored by Fraser Stryker



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>p>Business Ethics Alliance presents:>/p>
>p>Mind Candy Dialogue – Business Ethics in Sports>/p>
>p>>strong>Is there a separate set of business ethics for sports? >/strong>>/p>
>p>>strong>>em>Are we more lenient for entertainment value, for fame, or money?>/em>>/strong>>/p>
>p>Elevate your career, your organization, and your community.  Attend the Business Ethics Mind Candy Dialogue where you, your colleagues, and our panelists engage in ethics education through thought-provoking stories and discussion about business issues straight from the sports page.>/p>
>p>WEDNESDAY, January 29>sup>th>/sup>>/p>
>p>7:15 am – 8:45 am>/p>
>p>1001 Gallup Drive >/p>
>li>Othello Meadows, Executive Director, Seventy Five North Revitalization Corp. and former college basketball player>/li>
>li>Kyle Peterson, President and CEO, (Nebraska) Colliers International, former college baseball and MLB player, and current ESPN analyst>/li>
>li>Lisa Roskens, Chair and CEO, Burlington Capital Group and Chair of the Omaha Sports Commission>/li>
>li>Janyne Peek Emsick, CEO, integrow, inc., moderator>/li>
>p>>em>This event is hosted by Gallup and sponsored by Fraser Stryker>/em>>/p>
>p> >/p>
>p> >/p>