It’s not about surviving – it’s about thriving. If importing and international trade are the lifeblood of your business, these 90-minutes should not be missed!

On Tuesday, Nov. 11, the Chamber is hosting a lunch & learn session – Importers and International Trade: What’s Hot & What’s on the Horizon – for importers, customs brokers, freight forwarders, agents and other parties in the supply chain.

The seminar will explore a range of critical cost-saving and compliance issues, including:

  • The status of the two major free trade agreements currently in negotiation – the Trans Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – plus the status of legislation needed for ratification
  • The widely-reported Trek Leather case, which changes the import compliance and enforcement landscape
  • Recent organizational changes in Customs and how these changes affect importers
  • The status of duty savings agreements, including the Information Technology Agreement, the International Trade in Services Agreement, and the African Growth and Opportunity Act

“Being up-to-date on the latest Asia Pacific-related trade agreements and how they will change the landscape for multinational companies is critical in order to keep your business profitable in a fast-changing global economy. We’ve made it easy for you to stay abreast on these new trade agreements with one convenient, cost-effective 90-minute session,” said Mindy Ruffalo, the Chamber’s international business development director.

Importers and International Trade: What’s Hot & What’s on the Horizon will begin at 11:30 a.m. in the Chamber boardroom, 1301 Harney St. The cost is $20 for Chamber members, $40 for nonmembers. Lunch is included.

Register today!

A special thanks to program sponsor and presenter Husch Blackwell.