By: Anne Branigan, senior vice president – Innovative Services, Greater Omaha Chamber

What kinds of stories really inspire – and make us stand up and cheer? The underdog. That man or woman who overcomes incredible odds to find success. Omaha Home for Boys and Literacy Center of the Midlands are just two of the organizations in our community that specialize in writing these kinds of inspirational, underdog stories.

Born to abusive and addicted parents, Jeff Landholt sought help at Omaha Home for Boys where they educate, embrace and impact at-risk youth. Today he is a happily married father of one, working as the safety and maintenance director for Humboldt Specialty Manufacturing. He is an inspiration.

Jenny S., is a Literacy Center GED student. The program helps break the cycle of illiteracy and prepare the next generation for a better life. They help students earn their diploma so they can get a better job, get into the trades or continue their education. “I did it for my kids. They need a better life than this one. They need me to set the example. No matter how tough it is,” She, too, is an inspiration.

Think about the passion, focus and tenacity it takes to succeed, especially when the odds are stacked against you. Not only can these folks be an inspiration to others, but they can contribute to a team important traits that are crucial to business success.

Does your business have an entry level position that needs to be filled? Consider helping that underdog, employ someone who’s shown a tremendous devotion to overcoming daunting circumstances – and help turn them into an inspiration while accomplishing success for your business.

Contact us if you’re interested in partnering with Omaha Home for Boys or the Literacy Center – and we’ll help you forge a connection that could benefit your business and help a neighbor achieve economic self-sufficiency. There is a great story here – people pulling together to make our community better. We’ll all cheer for that.

– Photo credit: Omaha Home for Boys