Updated: 11/04/21
The Greater Omaha Chamber aims to support our business community in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak by providing access to up-to-date information from trustworthy sources. The resources below can help organizations stay informed and respond to the crisis.
Content provided here includes:
The University of Nebraska Medical Center has released COVID-19 safety measure suggestions intended for area businesses.
The guidance was created in response to requests from area businesses following last week’s issuance by UNMC of new COVID-19 guidance for its campus community, including renewed vigilance on mask-wearing and mandatory vaccines for faculty, staff and students.
1. Educate yourself on how the Delta variant gets inside our cells and multiplies.
See how the virus attacks healthy cells.
Learn how vaccines stop the virus from entering our body.
Learn why vaccines are even more effective than natural antibodies.
PLUS know the research on COVID, children and schools.
3. Follow the CDC’s revised guidance on face masks:
Properly wear a face mask at all times when indoors (including elevators) with the following exceptions:
- When eating (social distancing practices must be observed).
- When alone in a room with a closed door.
- In private settings when gathering in groups of five or less; individuals who are fully vaccinated may interact without masks.
- When in a motor vehicle alone or only with members of your household.
- When an alternative is necessary as indicated by a medical professional during patient care.
- When in one’s place of residence.
- When the task requires the use of a NIOSH-approved respirator.
- When pertaining to children under age 2.
Vaccine Resources
- Nebraska COVID-19 vaccination information from DHHS
- Iowa COVID-19 Vaccination Information from IDPH
- COVID-19 Vaccination FAQs answered by Nebraska Medicine
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Resources
- FDA COVID-19 Vaccine Resources
- For Employers: Policy guidance for COVID-19 issues, including vaccination issues from EEOC
- For HR: COVID-19 vaccination resources from SHRM
Reopening & Recovery
The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services has provided reopening strategies for specific business types and industries. Find the guidance document for your business.
Additional Resources
Take the Pledge
The National Safety Council, Nebraska Chapter (NSCN), in collaboration with the Greater Omaha Chamber, Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce has launched Be Safe Nebraska. Companies can voluntarily pledge to adopt best safety practices focused on keeping their employees, customers and partners safe during the COVID pandemic.
SBA Loan Programs
Small business who have been impacted by the pandemic may be eligible to apply for an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan or loan through the Paycheck Protection Program. See a comparison of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) vs. the Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL).
For additional information, contact the SBA disaster assistance customer service center. Call 1-800-659-2955 (TTY: 1-800-877-8339) or e-mail disastercustomerservice@sba.gov.
Caring for Employees
Your people are your greatest asset. Below are some resources to help care for your employees during this crisis. The Wellbeing Partners have created a variety of resources (video, posters, etc.) to help you and your employees maintain emotional wellbeing during this challenging time.
Remote Working
Maintaining Your Workforce
- Nebraska Department of Labor: Short-Time Compensation helps employers prevent layoffs
- Nebraska Department of Labor Frequently Asked Questions for Employers and Employees
- Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Guidance on Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce
- LinkedIn Learning “Finding a Job During Challenging Economic Times”
Unemployment Insurance
Any worker in a non-paid status due to COVID-19 may file a claim for unemployment insurance benefits. Unemployment claims in Nebraska are filed online at NEworks.nebraska.gov.
Health Insurance + COVID Coverage
Travel Guidance
- Department of Homeland Security Travel Restrictions
- CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information for Travel
- Nebraska Family Helpline: 1-888-866-8660
- Nebraska Rural Response Hotline: 1-800-464-0258
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
- Outlook Enrichment’s COVID-19 Help Line for the Visually Impaired: 531-365-5059
- Outlook Enrichment’s adaptive technology Help Line for the Visually Impaired: 531-365-5334
General Business Resources
We’ve received a range of questions from business leaders recently. Below are our answers to the most common local questions along with some industry resources that offer guidance. If you don’t see your question below, check the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Small Business FAQs.
Webinars & Networking
Check our events calendar.
General Assistance
The Nebraska Department of Economic Development (NDED) is offering assistance to organizations in need. Access the NDED staff directory and get in touch.
SBA Paperwork Assistance
We suggest you consult your bank for help with SBA relief. The following organizations also offer guidance:
- UNO’s College of Business Administration, Nebraska Business Development Center offers business resiliency resources.
- Nebraska’s Department of Economic Development is working to inform and assist businesses during Nebraska’s ongoing response to COVID-19.
Legal Assistance
The Greater Omaha Chamber’s business directory includes attorneys.
For Banks and Lenders
- SBA & Treasury Guidance on PPP Loans for Borrowers & Lenders
- SBA Unilateral Action Matrix for 7(a) Loan Servicing
- SBA Bridge Loan Program Guide
For Events and Gatherings
For Food Establishments
For Manufacturers Able to Meet Medical Needs
For Retailers
Workplace Safety Guidance
We know you want to keep your workplace safe for your employees and your customers. Below are some resources we think will help.
Maintaining a Healthy Workplace
- Husch Blackwell: Health Screening and Privacy Implications
- CDC Guidance for Maintaining Healthy Businesses Operations
- OSHA Guidance for Control and Prevention
- Nebraska Safety Council Guidance for Cleaning and Sanitizing
Recommended Cleaning Products
Disinfection After a Confirmed COVID Case
Scam Alerts
Cyber-threats and personal information breaches are increasing in the current, uncertain climate. The Nebraska Joint Information Center suggests all online users:
- Exercise caution in handling any email with a COVID-19-related subject line, attachment or hyperlink, and be wary of social media pleas, texts or calls related to COVID-19. (Tips for Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks)
- Avoid clicking on links in unsolicited emails and be wary of email attachments. (Tips for Using Caution with Email Attachments)
- The Nebraska Attorney General’s Office warns it has seen a reappearance of a popular “scare” scam.
Read more about COVID-19 related scams at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) resource.
NOTE: Resources are provided as information only and should not be construed as medical or legal advice. The Greater Omaha Chamber has not received compensation for inclusion of data, material, recommendations or web links related to COVID-19 or to any pandemic-planning strategies included herein.
If you have been exposed to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), or are experiencing symptoms of the disease, call your doctor/medical professional.
Consult an attorney if you have legal questions related to COVID-19. The Greater Omaha Chamber does not provide legal advice.