For Immediate Release
April 6, 2020

Statement by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Nebraska Bankers Association, the Nebraska New Car and Truck Dealers Association, the Nebraska REALTORS® Association, the Nebraska Society of CPAs, the Nebraska Telecommunications Association, the Nebraska Independent Community Bankers Association, the Nebraska Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Stores Association, the Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association, the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Omaha Chamber about requesting mail-in ballots:

“The 2020 Nebraska Primary Election is scheduled for May 12.  Our organizations encourage our members and every Nebraskan to exercise their freedom to vote. This year, during the COVID-19 struggle, the state understands many may prefer to exercise social distancing and vote via mail. Early Voting Ballot Applications are being mailed to every registered voter in Nebraska.  Complete the application to have a ballot mailed to you.  Don’t be left out because you prefer not to go to the polls. Be counted, and cast your vote by mail to ensure your voice will be heard.”

Applications also may be completed at  You must request a mail-in ballot by May 1, 2020.