Networking & Events

YPs are changing the face of Omaha

YPs are changing the face of Omaha

Photos by Bryce Bridges As millennials take over as the largest generation, they’re also taking up residence in some of our historic communities. Midtown, the Blackstone District and Benson—just to name a few—have undergone massive renovations in recent years, as a...
I Left with a Buzz…

I Left with a Buzz…

By: Dan McCann, a local freelance writer who counts the Greater Omaha Chamber among his clients. He attends CreativeMornings because he wants to – not because he has to… For me, the mark of time well spent – whether I’m attending a talk, taking up a seat in a movie...
Good to Great Awaits.

Good to Great Awaits.

By: David G. Brown, President and CEO It’s no secret around the office that, for quite some time, I’ve wanted to book Jim Collins to deliver the keynote at one of our Annual Meetings. So, it was a special thrill for me when we sealed the deal for this year’s gathering...

Get Ready to Sip, Sample and Celebrate!

We’re not meteorologists, but we do know the forecast for Thursday, Dec. 1 – a blizzard of food, fun and gratitude. The Chamber’s always anticipated Member Appreciation Holiday Open House is set for that evening, 4 – 7 p.m. at the Chamber...