Nebraska Enterprise Fund Start-Up To Success Seminar

Oct 19thNebraska Enterprise Fund Start-Up To Success Seminar11:30-4pm This free seminar is designed to give you the tools to start and grow your business. You’ll hear from twocompelling panels of experts giving you insight on how they became successful and...

NBDC PTAC Marketing and Selling to the Government Made Easy

Oct 11th NBDC PTAC Marketing and Selling to the Government Made Easy 8:30-10:30am Learn the basic information you need to increase sales through government contracting. This down-toearthworkshop will show you how to find opportunities, register and do business with...

SBA Winning Federal Contracts for Your Small Business

Oct 19thSBA Winning Federal Contracts for Your Small Business8:30am-11:00am This overview of selling to state, local and federal governments will help you decide if contracting is agood target market for your small business. This workshop is offered monthly on the...

SBA/SCORE Business Ownership Exploration

Oct 11th SBA/SCORE Business Ownership Exploration 12-130pm Are you thinking about business owners, but not sure if it is for you? This workshop discusses the three mainbusiness ownership opportunities: starting a business, buying a business and opening a franchise. If...

The REACH Plan Room

The REACH Plan RoomDrop in, view plans, ask questions and gain additional understanding so you can assemble the most solid bids. Open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today So Your Small & Emerging Business Can REACH New Opportunities. (The plan room is for drop-in...

The REACH Plan Room

The REACH Plan RoomDrop in, view plans, ask questions and gain additional understanding so you can assemble the most solid bids. Open from 3:30 to 5 p.m. today So Your Small & Emerging Business Can REACH New Opportunities. (The plan room is for drop-in...