
Advocating for a Pro-Business Climate

Advocating for a Pro-Business Climate

At the Greater Omaha Chamber, it’s our mission to champion a thriving business community and a prosperous region. To do that, we head up initiatives that focus on people, place and business growth. Legislation plays a role in all of this. So, we advocate for public...
Economic Inclusion Benefits Everyone

Economic Inclusion Benefits Everyone

By Winsley Durand, Executive Director – REACHIt is my great pleasure to work with small and emerging businesses (SEBs) in the Greater Omaha Metro. Over the past five years, that has been the primary focus of my work with REACH. Not only does it allow me to do what I...
The Battle for Incentives is in Full Swing

The Battle for Incentives is in Full Swing

by David G. Brown, president and CEO, Greater Omaha ChamberIn 2005, when the Nebraska Unicameral passed the Nebraska Advantage Act, the bill included a built-in sunset provision. Nebraska’s signature incentive law is set to expire at the end of 2020.To that end, the...
Good for Nebraska – Incentives Mean Opportunity

Good for Nebraska – Incentives Mean Opportunity

With all-in attitude applauding collaboration, Nebraska legislators, economic developers, community leaders and chambers of commerce executives rallied earlier this month in support of ImagiNE Nebraska (LB720), launching a statewide Good for Nebraska movement to...
An Honors Course in Equality

An Honors Course in Equality

Registration is now open for the first-ever Conference on Opportunity, Diversity and Equity, October 4 at the CHI Health Center Omaha. The event offers a compelling, new opportunity for businesses and individuals to address diversity in the workplace.Hosted in...