In the bustling heart of Omaha, Mutual of Omaha stands as an enduring pillar of the community. Established in 1909, this Fortune 500 organization has not only weathered the test of time but has flourished, offering a diverse array of insurance and financial products...
In the heart of Omaha, over 1,400 passionate young professionals converged for an extraordinary journey of discovery and transformation. Against the backdrop of “A Future for Everyone,” the YP Summit soared to new heights, fueling the collective...
The final days of the legislative session are always known for a few things: long agendas, late nights, frantic compromise discussions, and lots of crazy turns, frequently about things that seem to come out of nowhere. We’ve seen all of those things in the waning...
Recently we had the privilege of sitting down with Doug Sorenson, Mark Sorenson and Carrie Ericson from Haney Shoe Store, a longstanding cornerstone of the Omaha community. Established in 1942 by their grandfather, Paul Haney, this family-owned business has stood the...
The Legislature is hitting the home stretch in the 2024 session. While there are only 14 working days left, in real time that stretches out to almost four more weeks. Senators began working into the evening and late nights on Mondays and are scheduled to do so...
U.S. Senator Deb Fischer & U.S. Representative Don Bacon Provide Crucial Leadership in Prioritizing Omaha-Area Funding OMAHA, NE – Early today, the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce released the following statement thanking U.S. Senator Deb Fischer for her...