Jul 31, 2018 | Economic Development
When it comes to transition, we’re committed to positive change; and, as we continue to enjoy our vibrant new Chamber space, we’re pleased to report transformation of our courtyard space at the 1301 Harney location continues. You’ll recall our courtyard: Over these...
Jul 9, 2018 | Economic Development
The sisters of Primal Indulgence are on a mission to not make you choose. If you are like most of the population, when you hear paleo or gluten free, visions of sugar plums don’t exactly start dancing in your head. Lindsey Gobbett and Karen Costello, the powerhouse...
May 8, 2018 | Economic Development
David G. Brown, President & CEO, Greater Omaha Chamber We can wait for the future or we can invent it. As the Greater Omaha Chamber embarks on the implementation of Prosper 2.0, we are focused on creating a bold, new future based on people, place and prosperity....
Mar 15, 2018 | Economic Development
Three Cheers for Four-Time Economic Development Champions It’s an economic win that has become an annual celebration: For the third year in a row, and the fourth time since 2014, Site Selection named Omaha – Council Bluffs No. 1 for new and expanded corporate...
Mar 6, 2018 | Economic Development
The Chamber’s award-winning Careerockit, designed to educate, excite and inspire tomorrow’s workforce, posted some astronomical numbers in its second year. During the week of February 12-18, thousands of students participated in more than 21,600 career experiences –...
Feb 1, 2018 | Economic Development
Last fall, we shared with you the exciting news that we would be moving from our long-time location on Harney Street to a new headquarters on the Conagra Brands campus. With our expectations, agenda and staff steadily expanding, our need for more space had become all...