By: David G. Brown, president & CEO, Greater Omaha Chamber

Our Goal? 10,000 Career Experiences for Tomorrow’s Workforce.

It’s one of our priorities at the Chamber – ensuring your business has the talent it needs to thrive. That’s why we’re launching CAREEROCKIT, a weeklong event designed to bring businesses and students together, offering career experiences that will educate, excite and inspire tomorrow’s workforce.

I hope you’ll join me in making this “maiden voyage” a huge success by hosting a unique CAREEROCKIT career experience between April 1 and April 8, whichever day or days work best for your business. It could be a tour, a workshop or a hands-on demonstration – anything that gives students a glimpse into what life at your organization is like. It’s their chance to explore the exceptional career opportunities waiting for them right here at home – and your chance to help retain the thousands of high school and college students who graduate from our local learning institutions each year.

We know what students learn and experience outside the classroom gives them a glimpse into what their futures could hold. Together, let’s help our up-and-coming talent soar to new heights and rock their career right here at home!

I look forward to welcoming you as one of our CAREEROCKIT experience providers. To submit a proposal, visit (Proposals must be submitted no later than March 18, 2017.) Need help with planning an experience, attend one of our upcoming workshops.

Have questions? Please reach out to Shannon Teamer.

Thank you for your consideration. Let me know if there is anything we can do to support your business.