Which aspects of community do our young professionals value most – and where do they see potential opportunities for improvement? 

The Greater Omaha Chamber’s Young Professionals Council is releasing the results of its Campaign for a Greater Omaha survey, an online poll of young professionals launched in conjunction with the Your Omaha 2020 vision process.

The survey was designed to collect data regarding young professionals and their opinions/perceptions of the current state of the community. Conducted between April 8 and Aug. 7, 2015, and distributed primarily through young professional groups and partner organizations, it involved 1,452 total respondents. 

Those YP respondents were asked to evaluate the importance of the following nine values, which were identified during a Your Omaha 2020 survey from 2010:

  • Inclusivity/diversity
  • Innovation/entrepreneurship
  • Arts/culture
  • Community development
  • Multi-modal Transportation
  • Public engagement
  • Community engagement/involvement
  • Civic vitality
  • Education

From an individual values perspective, YP respondents identified education and civic vitality as most important to them. Respondents also offered their perception on how well Greater Omaha supports all values. Three areas were identified as opportunities for improvement: multi-modal transportation, education and inclusivity/diversity.

Based on the results of the survey, the Greater Omaha Young Professionals have identified three corresponding areas of focus:

  • Drive awareness, improvement and advocacy for education and civic vitality without losing touch with other areas important to YPs
  • Develop a platform to facilitate and promote inclusivity and diversity across the Greater Omaha community
  • Engage existing and new demographics of young professionals by providing resources to help attract, retain and develop talent in Greater Omaha

“The ultimate goal is to identify areas of improvement needed to achieve Your Omaha 2020 and position Greater Omaha as a community where young professionals want to live, work and play,” said Jennifer Serkiz, the Greater Omaha Chamber’s manager – Talent & Workforce.

Your Omaha 2020 was conceptualized in 2010 by the Greater Omaha Chamber’s Young Professionals. This vision provided a roadmap to solutions for the ever-changing, rapidly-growing, increasingly diverse and connected young professional community in Greater Omaha.

Visit OmahaYP.org/Survey for more information about the Campaign for a Greater Omaha survey.